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Mark for Everyone - Healing of the Man with the Withered Hand
Mark for Everyone - Healing of the Man with the Withered Hand
by SPCK - N T Wright
Mark For Everyone MARK 3.1–6 Healing of the Man with the Withered Hand... ...It’s difficult for me to remember what life was like when I was a boy. It’s even harder for young people today to imagine what it was like in their own country 50 years ago. Almost every- where has chang
Acts for Everyone Part 2 - Paul Before Agrippa
Acts for Everyone Part 2 - Paul Before Agrippa
by SPCK - N T Wright
Paul Before AgrippaActs 26.1-11 One of the great, though controversial, bishops of Durham in the first half of the twentieth century was Hensley Henson. He was a brilliant speaker and writer, a much loved (though sharp-tongued) pastor, and a great campaigner on all kinds of soc
Acts for Everyone Part 2 - Paul Before the Sanhedrin
Acts for Everyone Part 2 - Paul Before the Sanhedrin
by SPCK - N T Wright
Paul Before the Sanhedrin Acts 23.1-11 Ever since the French Revolution, politics has been seen in terms of a left–right spectrum. The further Left you go (it is assumed), the more you will favour freedom from constricting and aristocratic authority, loose structures, plenty of v
Twelve Months of Sunday year c - Proper 3 Year C
Twelve Months of Sunday year c - Proper 3 Year C
by SPCK - N T Wright
Proper 3 Genesis 45.3–11, 15 1 Corinthians 15.35–38, 42–50 Luke 6.27–38 The resurrection is central to Christianity, not just as a dogma but as a driving principle. Unfortunately, Paul’s writing in this, the earliest discussion of it, is dense and difficult, and some of the regul
Revelation for Everyone - Reigning for a Thousand Years
Revelation for Everyone - Reigning for a Thousand Years
by SPCK - N T Wright
Reigning for a Thousand Years Revelation 20.1-6 After I published my book Surprised by Hope, I had a number of letters and emails from people telling me their experiences with thinking it through, leading study groups on it, and in some cases preaching in the new way I was recomm
John for Everyone Part 1 - Seeing and Not Seeing
John for Everyone Part 1 - Seeing and Not Seeing
by SPCK - N T Wright
Seeing and Not Seeing John 9.35-41 Who decides when the picture is in focus? I attended a lecture the other night in which the speaker showed us some wonderful colour slides of medieval paintings of Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection. The colour was magnificent; the interpretati
Mark for Everyone - The Healing of the Paralytic
Mark for Everyone - The Healing of the Paralytic
by SPCK - N T Wright
Mark For Everyone MARK 2.1–12 The Healing of the Paralytic... ...Everyone was astonished, and they praised God. ‘We’ve never seen anything like this!’ they said . Most people don’t realize that this was probably Jesus’ own house. He had moved to Capernaum from Nazareth; the point
Matthew for Everyone Part 1 - The Healing of the Demoniacs
Matthew for Everyone Part 1 - The Healing of the Demoniacs
by SPCK - N T Wright
The Healing of the Demoniacs Matthew 8.28-34 I was listening to some music last night that kept surprising me. It was a great symphony, with a wonderful tune that turned this way and that, sweeping us along, catching our emotions and lifting our spirits. Then, just when you thoug
Twelve Months of Sunday year c - The Second Sunday of Epiphany Year C
Twelve Months of Sunday year c - The Second Sunday of Epiphany Year C
by SPCK - N T Wright
The Second Sunday of Epiphany Isaiah 62.1–5 1 Corinthians 12.1–11 John 2.1–11 Nuptial imagery rings through the Bible like a peal of wedding bells. The first two chapters of Genesis reach their climax in the creation of man and woman in God’s image; the last two chapters of Rev
Acts for Everyone part 1 - The Stoning of Stephen
Acts for Everyone part 1 - The Stoning of Stephen
by SPCK - N T Wright
The Stoning of Stephen Acts 7.54-8.3 Francis Thompson was a strange and powerful English poet of the early twentieth century. He was a believing Christian, but his life had been sad and difficult in a number of ways. Yet in the middle of his personal suffering he discovered a str
Mark for Everyone - The Speculations of Herod
Mark for Everyone - The Speculations of Herod
by SPCK - N T Wright
Mark For Everyone MARK 6.14–16The Speculations of Herod... ...Private life is a modern invention. Until quite recently, most people lived in small communities where everyone knew every- one else’s business. Until a few hundred years ago, everybody heard what was going on in the w
Mark for Everyone - The Transfiguration
Mark for Everyone - The Transfiguration
by SPCK - N T Wright
Mark For Everyone MARK 9.2–13 The Transfiguration... ...Science teachers never tire, so I’m told, of the moment when a child first looks into a microscope. What up until then had seemed a boring little speck of dirt can suddenly become full of pattern, colour and interest. The ch
Paul for Everyone Romans part 2 - United Praise under the Messiah's Universal Role
Paul for Everyone Romans part 2 - United Praise under the Messiah's Universal Role
by SPCK - N T Wright
United Praise under the Messiah’s Universal Rule ROMANS 15.7-13 The great Finnish composer Jean Sibelius brought the art of writing symphonies to a new glory. His first six were each splendid in their own way, developing the form which previous composers had used and flooding it
1 and 2 Samuel for Everyone - Leaderly Calculation and Mother Love
1 and 2 Samuel for Everyone - Leaderly Calculation and Mother Love
by SPCK - John Goldingay
Leaderly Calculation and Mother Love 2 Samuel 19: 41- 21: 22 We care about what happens to the bodies of our loved ones. My wife and I long ago agreed that we would be cremated and then have our ashes scattered in the valley where we had spent the first night of our honeymoon. No
Persistent God, your gracious understanding
Persistent God, your gracious understanding
by Andrew Pratt
Persistent God, your gracious understanding returns the love that often we with-hold. When met with our resistance and denial you greet with peace and draw us from the cold. Verses 2-3 follow Tune: HIGHWOOD; INTERCESSOR Metre: Andrew Pratt (born 1948) Words © 27/3/2
This is love, love un-extinguished
This is love, love un-extinguished
by Andrew Pratt
This is love, love un-extinguished, love out lasting time and place, love surviving crucifixion, sign of hope and source of grace. This was God who bled and died there, very God they scourged and hung, it was God the child of Mary, from whom human life was wrung. Verses 2-3 follo
Rhythms of remembering - Easter - Monday Evening Prayer